Top Resume Tips From the Recruiters at Inside Talent

Are you just starting to search for a new job after years in your current position? Has it been a while since you’ve updated your resume? Looking for your fist job out of college? No worries! Here are the best tips our recruiters have to offer when writing your resume.
- Have a "clean look" to your resume - easy to navigate, attractive - use bold, colors, different size fonts. Don’t let your name and contact info take up a lot of space at the top – keep it brief.
- Be mindful of what you put in the top 1/3rd of your resume – this is the most valuable real estate! Recruiters often only take a few seconds to initially review each resume and you want this top 1/3rd to capture their attention and want to read more!
- Put a 10,000-foot level overview of your experience towards the top along with a section of keywords around skills/experience/expertise (this keyword section is also helpful with more sophisticated Applicant Tracking Systems that rank your resume based on keyword matches).
- Include a company description (what does the company you worked for do?) – don’t expect recruiters or hiring managers to have to go out of their way to find out.
- Show what you were responsible for as well as at least one accomplishment under each work experience.
- Include any volunteer, community involvement, hobbies, and/or awards you've achieved - this gives hiring managers a nice sense of your well-roundedness.
- Selectively edit your resume to remove the clutter and unnecessary words. Weed the garden so the good stuff really shines and keep it to 2 pages if possible.
- Ask at least two people (especially those with a strong eye for detail) to review your updated resume for grammar and spelling mistakes.
Does the resume writing process feel less daunting now? We hope so!
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